Carelight products must be purchased through one of our expert Authorized Representatives. If you are not currently working with one, call us: (224) 278-1211 and we will be pleased to connect you.
Great for two hands at once and perfect for back. This is a very versatile pad and one of our most popular.
Blue light is concentrated in the dermis.
8" wide X 15" long
144 Infrared LEDs, 120 Visible Blue LEDs = 264 LEDs; 285 joules/min
Bends in long dimension. Includes two straps.
Excellent choice for hand, wrist, foot, knee, elbow, back and more.
Blue light is concentrated in the dermis.
8" wide X 9" long
72 Infrared LEDs; 60 Blue LEDs = 132 LEDs; 137 joules/min
Bends in long dimension. Includes two straps.
Newest innovation from CareLight.
Blue light is concentrated in the dermis.
Combination of dermis-focused Blue light and tissue-penetrating Red and Infrared light has a variety of uses.
15 1/2" wide X 4 1/2" long
100 Infrared LEDs, 40 Visible Red & 40 Visible Blue LEDs = 180 LEDs; 155 joules/min
Bends in long dimension. Includes two straps.
Versatile set of therapy pads designed for each part of the body. This set contains a 6 port controller and 3 port controller; allowing for multiple pads to be used simultaneously.
A comprehensive assortment of both a 6 and 3 port controller, and a variety of pads to bring pain relief in almost all areas. Includes pads with red LED's, blue LED's, and the tri-color version of our versatile Long CarePad 180.
Relief all over the body - at once. This set contains 6 port and 2 port controllers, allowing for simultaneous use among several people.
Contains 6 port & 2 port controllers, Large CarePad 264 - Red, Long CarePad 180 - Tricolor and one each Medium CarePad 132 Red & Blue. Also features CarePad Facemask.
Blue light is concentrated in the dermis.
Ideal set of CarePads for those needing relief primarily in the feet and lower legs, but also in other areas of the body. Designed for simultaneous of multiple pads.
Features a 6 port controller, Large CarePad 264 Blue, Medium CarePad 132 Red, CarePad 90 Small Red and two of our unique CarePad Boot/Foot & Ankle units.
Varied assortment of CarePads allows for use over most areas of the body. Suggested use: upper & lower back, abdomen, elbows, knees, wrists, shoulders and even legs & feet.
Contains 6 port controller, Large CarePad 264 Red, Medium CarePad 132 Blue, Small CarePad 90 Red and CarePad Facemask.
Blue light concentrates in the dermis.
Allows 3 CarePads to be plugged in simultaneously. Easy one-touch operation.
A - Nogier
B - Solfeggio
C - Fibbonacci
Size: 5-1/2” x 4” x 1-3/8”
Versatile set of therapy pads designed for each part of the body. This set contains a 3 port controller; allowing for multiple pads to be used simultaneously.
Includes our 3 port controller, CarePad 264, the new tri-color version of CarePad 180, and our facemask.
(Note: this package will ship with a 2 port controller until the new 3 port controller becomes available by April 15. CareLight will offer a free exchange at that time.)
Focused set of therapy pads designed for feet and facial use - simultaneously.
Includes two Boot/Foot & Ankle pads, the Facemask and a 3-port controller.
Unique set of therapy pads can be used in many combinations over most areas of the body. Blue light focuses on the dermis, red & infrared light for deeper tissue penetration. Pads can be used simultaneously.
Includes our 3 port controller, CarePad 264 Blue & Infrared, CarePad 132 Red & Infrared and the CarePad Facemask.

"I thought I had no choice but to live with constant back and hip pain. Light therapy with CareLight technology changed my life."
- Larry Sims, Retired Emergency Room Doctor
CareLight Pads Have Many Uses.
CareLight Products Make it Easy!
Many light therapy products use old-style DIN connectors. They are difficult to use and often break. CareLight devices use durable, modern USB-style connectors. See the difference in this short video.

Carelight products are FDA cleared and manufactured in the U.S. in an ISO Certified facility. ISO represents the gold standard for manufacturing quality.